BEST 4.0 – Blue Economy Sectors Digital Transformation towards Industry 4.0 [ITHR0200326]

Call |  INTERREG Italy – Croatia 2021-2027
Project duration | from 01/02/2024 to 31/07/2026


Objective | 1 – Sustainable growth in the blue economy – SO 1.1 – Research and innovation.

The overall objective of the BEST 4.0 project is to stimulate innovation, technology transfer and digitisation of products and processes in the established and emerging sectors of the Blue Economy along the two sides of the Adriatic Sea. The BEST 4.0 project therefore aims to support the introduction of I4.0 principles in the Blue Economy sectors, through DiHs and innovative, smart and digital business solutions, all in a perspective of cross-border cooperation.

Main project activities and outputs:

  • Analysis and mapping of SMEs belonging to the Blue Economy sector
  • Creation of technological maturity index of Blue Economy SMEs
  • Organisation of workshops on e-skills development in the Blue Economy
  • Organisation of workshops on teaching and learning e-skills in a lifelong learning perspective, including training of trainers
  • Organisation of local dissemination events
  • Creation of a cross-border network of digital innovation hubs in action
  • Creation of a catalogue of services for SMEs in the Blue Economy

CETMA’s role | CETMA coordinates WP2 and is responsible for assisting 10 regional companies with mentorship, business improvement and testing.

Partnership | 1. Associazione CNA FERRARA (Leader Partner), IT; 2. CNA Associazione Territoriale di Ancona, IT; 3. CETMA – Centro di ricerche europeo di tecnologie design e materiali, IT; 4. Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste, IT; 5. Camera dell’Economia Croata, HR; 6. Agenzia istriana per lo sviluppo – IDA, HR; 7. DIH Agrifood Croatia, HR; 8. Università di Fiume, Facoltà di studi marittimi, HR.

Associated Partners | 1. Maritime Technology Cluster FVG S.c.a r.l., HR; 2. EDIH Adria (European Digital Innovation HUB), HR.

Status | Open

Website | https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/best40